Automation for HR

Are you looking for a way to facilitate HR processes, including recruitment tasks? Or do you want to improve talent acquisition and retention, and save time and resources? If so, then you need our HR automation and recruitment services. We are a company that specializes in providing automation solutions for various aspects of HR and recruitment functions, such as posting jobs, reviewing resumes, evaluating candidates, scheduling interviews, onboarding, and employee engagement. We use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to create intelligent and efficient automation systems that can help you achieve your HR and recruitment goals.

Where can automation in HR help improve business?

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Response Monitoring
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Chatbot AI
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AI Voice Bot
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Monitorowania odpowiedzi
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Training automation
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Evaluation of employees
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Benefits of using artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in HR:

  • More candidates: AI-based solutions automate the process of posting vacancies, resulting in attracting more applicants. We create personalized ads, distribute them in different channels, optimize for SEO and conversion, and monitor their effectiveness.
  • Better selection: We use artificial intelligence to automate the selection of resumes and the analysis of candidates' resumes. We match the qualifications of candidates to the requirements of the position and classify them according to their skills and fit into the organizational culture.
  • Faster rating: We use AI to automate the candidate assessment process, including online tests, quizzes, assignments and simulations. We also help evaluate results, provide feedback and generate reports.
  • Easier planning: Our solutions make it easy to schedule interviews by automating the process. We coordinate the availability of candidates, recruiters and managers, book appointments, send reminders and confirmations, and handle any changes or cancellations.
  • Smarter Deployment: We help you to effectively deploy new employees by using AI to automate processes. We deliver personalized implementation programs, collect and verify documents, while providing the necessary training, tools and support.
  • Higher motivation: Our automations support employee engagement by automating the engagement process. We create and implement surveys, feedback forms, recognition programs, reward systems and gamification elements, which contribute to improving employee satisfaction, loyalty, motivation, productivity, efficiency and retention.

If you are interested in our HR automation and recruitment services or would like to learn more about them, contact us today. We will be happy to answer all your questions and offer a free consultation and an individual quote.

Check out HR automation solutions today!

If you are interested in our automation services for HR or want to learn more about them, contact us today. We will be happy to answer all your questions and offer a free consultation and an individual quote.

Take the first step towards automation and AI - contact us and find out what else we can do for you


Where can automation in HR help improve business?

Response Monitoring

Advertisements are automatically tracked by a system that analyzes, segregates and prepares a unified summary of key data about candidates based on education, qualifications or work experience, which is then analyzed by the recruitment team or algorithms that assess the suitability of candidates to the requirements of the position. As a result, the recruitment process becomes more efficient and automated, which reduces the time it takes to select suitable candidates.

AI Voice Bot

System oparty na sztucznej inteligencji prowadzi rozmowy głosowe z kandydatami, odpowiadając na ich pytania dotyczące procesu rekrutacyjnego, specyfikacji stanowiska oraz kultury organizacyjnej firmy.

Monitorowania odpowiedzi

Ogłoszenia są automatycznie śledzone przez system, który analizuje, segreguje i przygotowuje jednolite podsumowanie kluczowych danych o kandydatach na podstawie wykształcenia, kwalifikacji czy doświadczeń zawodowych,  które następnie zostaną poddane analizie przez zespół rekrutacyjny lub algorytmy oceniające odpowiednio dopasowanie kandydatów do wymagań stanowiska. Dzięki temu proces rekrutacji staje się bardziej efektywny i zautomatyzowany, co skraca czas potrzebny na selekcję odpowiednich kandydatów.


The documentation associated with the process of hiring a new employee is often complex and time-consuming, including the preparation of documents, the formalities of signing contracts, and providing personal access to work tools. Thanks to the use of automation, this whole process is significantly simplified, eliminating the need to conduct a lot of correspondence and printing documents. Automation generates the necessary documentation and sends it to the right people, facilitating the process of signing and paperwork circulation. Moreover, it automatically archives copies of documents in a safe place, in accordance with the current internal regulations of the company, and also allows you to plan and carry out transactions in the field of remuneration or bonuses.


At the end of cooperation with the employee, automation will take full control of all aspects related to the organization and paperwork. A fully automated system distributes current tasks to the appropriate departments and effectively blocks employee access to any company programs. Moreover, it ensures an efficient process for the return of any equipment, while complying with the procedures of the enterprise.

Working time management

Efficient management of working time is the foundation for the effective functioning of any organization. Automation revolutionizes this process, eliminating potential inaccuracies and errors. Thanks to the electronic tracking of employees' working time and the analysis of the collected data, the system identifies patterns and abuses, allowing precise monitoring and making accurate decisions based on reliable reports. Automation helps increase productivity by improving work efficiency and minimizing errors and abuses.

Working time management

Sprawne zarządzanie czasem pracy stanowi fundament efektywnego funkcjonowania każdej organizacji. Automatyzacja rewolucjonizuje ten proces, eliminując potencjalne niedokładności i błędy. Dzięki elektronicznemu śledzeniu czasu pracy pracowników oraz analizie zebranych danych, system identyfikuje wzorce i nadużycia, umożliwiając precyzyjne monitorowanie oraz podejmowanie trafnych decyzji opartych na rzetelnych raportach. Automatyzacja przyczynia się do zwiększenia produktywności, poprawiając wydajność pracy i minimalizując występowanie błędów oraz nadużyć.

Training automation

Coordination of training and employee development is a challenge, especially in companies offering diverse educational programs. Training management systems make it easy to create schedules, monitor the progress of participants and evaluate the effectiveness of training. Thanks to them, it is possible to assign the appropriate courses according to the needs and roles of the employees, which supports their professional development and productivity.

Evaluation of employees

Regular evaluations of employees are crucial for their professional development and the success of the company. Thanks to automation, it is possible to effectively conduct periodic evaluation processes, which are based on feedback collected from various sources, e.g. commissioned surveys, including from superiors and colleagues. In addition, automation facilitates the creation of personalized development plans based on evaluation results, which supports employees in improving skills and increasing the overall effectiveness of the team.

Automation? Is it for me?

Know the key benefits

Automation combined with AI is the future of your business: optimized processes, increased productivity and much, much more:

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Increase productivity

Automation allows you to perform tasks faster, more accurately and cheaply, which translates into better results and saves resources.

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Better customer service

Automation facilitates communication, collaboration and service to customers and partners, improving their experience and loyalty.

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Higher employee satisfaction

Automated processes speed up task execution, allowing employees to focus on more demanding tasks.

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Increased operational efficiency

Continuous access to up-to-date data enables faster response and breaking down silos between departments.

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Eliminate paper-based processes

The introduction of unified, digital documentation processes eliminates office clutter, providing the company with transparency and efficiency in decision-making.

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Improving quality and reliability

Automation reduces the risk of human error, ensuring high quality and consistency of services and products.

Ikonka przedstawiająca pomysł

Development of innovation and creativity

Automation frees employees from routine and monotonous tasks, giving them more time and opportunities to create new solutions and ideas.

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