Automations in administration

Automation is an easy way to reduce administrative workload, increase operational efficiency, and save time and resources? If so, then you need our automation services in the administration department. We provide automation solutions for various aspects of administrative functions such as data entry, document management, invoicing, payroll, and reporting. We use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to create intelligent and efficient automation systems that can help you achieve administrative goals.

Where can automation of administration help to improve business?

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Document processing
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Monitoring of payments
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Supplier management
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Debt collection
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Correspondence management
See more

How our services can help you in the administration department:

  • Less data input: We eliminate or minimize the burden of data entry by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate the processes of capturing, extracting, validating and transmitting information. Additionally, we integrate various data sources and systems such as forms, scanners, emails, databases, and spreadsheets. Our solutions also include automated data quality checks, corrections, and handling of any exceptions or errors.
  • Better document management: We support effective document management by applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate the processes of creating, editing, formatting and storing documents. We also help you create and use templates, workflows, and rules, standardizing and streamlining documentation processes. Our solutions also include automated processes for searching, downloading and sharing documents, while ensuring they are safe and compliant.
  • Faster invoicing: We accelerate the invoicing process by applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate the processes of generating, delivering and tracking invoices. We also support the creation and use of invoice templates, formats and styles, tailored to your preferences. Our solutions also include automated processes for payment of invoices, reminders and settlements, while handling any disputes or inquiries.
  • Easier payroll: We simplify the payroll process by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate payroll calculation, distribution, and reporting processes. Our solutions also include the creation and use of rules, policies and salary schedules that comply with regulations and standards. We also support the automation of processes related to taxes, deductions and benefits, as well as handling any issues and questions.
  • More transparent reporting: We facilitate the reporting process by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate the processes of generating, analyzing and presenting reports. We also support the creation and use of report templates, formats and styles tailored to your needs. Our solutions also include automated processes for distributing reports and feedback, while providing access and recommendations based on report data.

If you are interested in our administration automation services or want to learn more about them, contact us today. We will be happy to answer all your questions and offer a free consultation and an individual quote.

Check out your administration automation solutions today!

If you are interested in our administration automation services or want to learn more about them, contact us today. We will be happy to answer all your questions and offer a free consultation and an individual quote.

Take the first step towards automation and AI - contact us and find out what else we can do for you


Where can automation of administration help to improve business?

Document processing

Automated document processing systems can scan, categorize and forward documents to the appropriate departments or employees in the company. This means that when a new document enters the system, the device can automatically scan it, recognize its type or category, and then forward it to the right place or employee. For example, a contract from a supplier can be automatically transferred to the legal department.

Supplier management

Automation of processes related to suppliers can include electronic orders. When a company needs products or services from a supplier, the system can generate an electronic order, eliminating the need for manual order creation and helping to avoid human error. In addition, the system can monitor deliveries and automatically settle invoices from suppliers based on the recipient's data.

Correspondence management

Automation in the area of correspondence allows you to efficiently send emails and other messages within the company. The system can be configured to automatically direct messages to relevant departments or employees based on specific criteria. For example, an email from a customer can be automatically forwarded to customer service, and an email from a supplier can go directly to the purchasing department. This helps to organize the flow of information in the company and reduces the response time to important news.

Monitoring of payments

Supervision of payments is based on automatic integration with the banking system, which checks the compliance of the amount paid with the invoice value and the timeliness of payments. In case of detection of any irregularities, the system automatically generates notifications for personnel dealing with financial settlements, allowing quick intervention and correction of errors. This automation of accounting processes effectively minimizes the risk of making mistakes during settlements.

Debt collection

Debt collection automation is the application of the system in the process of debt recovery. Thanks to the use of special computer programs, the company can more effectively monitor and manage customer debts. The system automatically sends reminders about overdue payments, which allows the company to recover funds without the need to involve additional human resources. It is an effective tool that helps maintain the financial liquidity of the company and minimizes the risk of losses associated with unpaid debts.

Automation? Is it for me?

Know the key benefits

Automation combined with AI is the future of your business: optimized processes, increased productivity and much, much more:

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Increase productivity

Automation allows you to perform tasks faster, more accurately and cheaply, which translates into better results and saves resources.

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Better customer service

Automation facilitates communication, collaboration and service to customers and partners, improving their experience and loyalty.

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Higher employee satisfaction

Automated processes speed up task execution, allowing employees to focus on more demanding tasks.

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Increased operational efficiency

Continuous access to up-to-date data enables faster response and breaking down silos between departments.

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Eliminate paper-based processes

The introduction of unified, digital documentation processes eliminates office clutter, providing the company with transparency and efficiency in decision-making.

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Improving quality and reliability

Automation reduces the risk of human error, ensuring high quality and consistency of services and products.

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Development of innovation and creativity

Automation frees employees from routine and monotonous tasks, giving them more time and opportunities to create new solutions and ideas.

Get in touch

Ready to take off?

Stop just thinking about automation and artificial intelligence and take the first step - contact us! This will help you answer the most important questions and discover how automation and artificial intelligence can support the work of your company.

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