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What is Artificial Intelligence?

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The dynamism of modern times illustrates how much impact the implementation of advanced technology in its structures has on an efficiently functioning enterprise. For entrepreneurs who want to increase efficiency, optimize processes and achieve a competitive advantage, understanding the role that artificial intelligence plays is fundamental.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the concept of artificial intelligence and explain how it can make your life easier. May the future of artificial intelligence belong to you!

So if you are ready for a good dose of useful knowledge, sit back, grab a cup of good coffee and read on, and you will discover how to use the potential of modern artificial intelligence in your endeavors. Let the competition rub their eyes at your sight with amazement!

Definition of artificial intelligence - what is AI?

The simplest and at the same time the most general definition of artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence, AI) indicates that it is a field of science that deals with the creation of machines and systems capable of performing tasks that normally require the human intellect. For this, AI uses various methods such as machine learning, algorithms and neural networks.

The shortest, however, characterizes artificial intelligence simply as an automation of actions.


To the question “what is AI?” we can also answer differently, because depending on the context and research objectives, artificial intelligence can be defined in different ways. One of the basic definitions says that artificial intelligence is the ability of a machine to understand, learn, process information, solve problems and adapt to changing conditions. Other definitions highlight aspects such as autonomy, communication with other systems or the ability to make decisions.

The above should sufficiently illustrate how far the versatility of AI goes. Combined with business reality, artificial intelligence is becoming a breakthrough tool in achieving successes that — let's face it, are right at your fingertips.

The history of the development of artificial intelligence - when did it all begin?

Although it would seem that AI is the fruit of the 21st century, in fact the history of artificial intelligence goes back much further, more precisely to the 1940s and 1950s, when scientists such as Alan Turing or John von Neumann began experimenting with the idea of machines capable of thinking. Since then, the characteristics of artificial intelligence have been constantly evolving, developing its learning algorithms.

Types of artificial intelligence: general, narrow and superintelligence

Now that we have the concept of artificial intelligence behind us, it is time to understand the types of artificial intelligence that we distinguish.

  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - is a type of AI that can perform a variety of tasks at a level close to human intellect. AGI is still a research goal and has not yet been achieved.
  • Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) - is an AI that specializes in one specific task, such as image recognition or language translation. ANI is currently the most common type of AI.
  • Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) - is a hypothetical type of AI that surpasses human intelligence in all aspects. ASI can have a huge impact on the future of humanity, both positive and negative.

The possibilities of artificial intelligence can be astonishing, right? Let's move on.

How does artificial intelligence work?

Artificial intelligence is designed to mimic the human mind and human activity. Such a solution allows employees to be replaced by robotics, which in turn has a beneficial effect on optimizing costs and relieving staff of many responsibilities.


AI uses a variety of technologies for this among other, artificial intelligence algorithms and expert systems. The possibilities of artificial intelligence also consist in easy adaptation to changing conditions and circumstances - which clearly proves that we are not talking only about a rigid system based only on simple and repetitive patterns. The development of AI constantly proves that artificial intelligence is able to solve the most complex commands and puzzles.

Deep learning? Artificial Intelligence Algorithms? What are they?

We are already in a hurry to explain!

Deep learning is a key component of AI that allows machines to learn from data on their own. Based on artificial neural networks, it mimics the way the human brain processes information and performs analysis. Big data is something that the robotics in question specializes in!

Artificial intelligence algorithms, on the other hand, are tools used to model intelligent behavior by computers. There are a number of diverse AI algorithms that allow machines to learn, such as unsupervised learning, supervised learning, reinforcement learning, or relayed learning.

Advanced analytics - the benefits of artificial intelligence

Well, the secret is in the data. Artificial intelligence analyzes huge amounts of information from various sources - texts, images, sounds or behavioral data. This data is the key to recognizing patterns and making the right decisions for machines. The more of them, the more accurate the results. Using them, AI can:

  • Process data: clean, transform, aggregate data.
  • Analyze databases: apply statistics, explore data, visualize.
  • Model data: apply machine learning, apply deep learning, apply unsupervised learning.
  • Evaluate models: apply metrics, apply cross-validation, apply hyperparameter optimization.

All of these elements allow AI to analyze information, detect patterns, predict outcomes and make decisions. Replacing AI workers is therefore a realistic scenario.

Complex AI Models: Expert Systems and Smart Agents

Complex artificial intelligence models are another subdivision that is applicable in various fields such as medicine, finance or science, where advanced data analysis and decision-making are required. Within their framework, the following are distinguished in turn:

  • Expert systems are a type of AI that uses expertise to make decisions. These systems are based on rules that define how a machine should work in specific situations.
  • The intelligent agent model is another type of complex AI model that allows machines to make decisions on their own, adapt to changing conditions, and collaborate with other agents.

Practical applications of artificial intelligence

What areas can be developed with artificial intelligence? All of them.

AI-enabled industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, financial sector, retail, transportation and logistics, education, advertising and marketing, entertainment, security and defense, and agriculture — are constantly evolving, harnessing the potential of technology to improve efficiency and innovation.

Let's start with the general areas of development in which artificial intelligence in the present finds practical application:

  • Medicine: analysis of medical images, support in the diagnosis of diseases, development of individual treatment plans.
  • Finance: analysis of financial markets, forecasting stock prices, fraud detection.
  • Marketing: analysis of customer data, personalization of advertising, optimization of marketing strategies.
  • Transportation: autonomous cars, route optimization, urban traffic management.
  • Education: personalization of the teaching process, automatic evaluation of works, recommendations of educational materials.

Artificial intelligence automates our daily lives, and the above is only a small slice of the scale on which this is done.

Artificial intelligence in the enterprise: automation and management

The branches of artificial intelligence focus on various aspects of the intelligent behavior of machines in the structures of the enterprise, more specifically relying on:

  • Automate business processes: speed up work, reduce costs, increase efficiency.
  • Support decision making: data analysis, trend forecasting, identification of risks and opportunities.
  • Improving communication: translating texts, analyzing emotions, analyzing voice, generating answers to customer questions.
  • Optimization of resource management: demand forecasting, production planning, supply chain management.

Artificial intelligence acts like a chameleon, adapting to specific situations, circumstances and market needs that a company faces. So the above is again - just a small example of the capabilities of AI.

AutomationMoon experts in the field of artificial intelligence are there to create software perfectly tailored to the specifics and needs of each industry. Thanks to the constantly acquired knowledge, we are able to adapt our solutions to the specific requirements of our customers. So whether you run a small family business or a large corporation, our team is ready to provide you with the most effective and innovative AI tools to help you succeed in your sector. If you are ready to revolutionize your business, give us a chance to show you what opportunities lie in artificial intelligence and let's make an appointment! 

Artificial intelligence increases the chances of success and unbeatable in the industry - and it will help you too.

Zdjęcie przedstawiające sztuczną inteligencję.

Generative artificial intelligence: the creativity of machines

The extraordinary ability of machines to create completely new content, images and sounds confronts us with a fascinating question: what possibilities lie in generative AI when it comes to inspiration and creation?

Countless! Take a look at the following practical applications of artificial intelligence:

  • Art creation: the generation of images, music, poems or film scripts.
  • Product design: generating new concepts, optimizing existing projects, exploring the solution space.
  • Content generation: automatic creation of articles, reports, presentations or social media posts.
  • Scientific research: generating hypotheses, discovering new chemical compounds, analyzing scientific data.

All of this is possible.

As you have probably noticed, the use of AI depends solely on the individual vision, and we? Our role is focused on fulfilling it.

AI Software and Systems: From Algorithms to Applications

Software and artificial intelligence technologies are sets of computer programs and tools that learn, understand data, and make decisions just like humans. For example, these are:

  • Development libraries and frameworks: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, scikit-learn.
  • Platformên AI-as-a-Service: Google Cloud AI, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure AI, Amazon AWS AI.
  • AI systems: expert systems, intelligent agents, learning systems.
  • AI applications: chatbots, virtual assistants, data analysis tools, image and speech recognition solutions.

All these tools allow the creation, training and implementation of artificial intelligence models in various fields and applications.

The introduction of artificial intelligence by us into your company can also include the integration of the system with external applications, allowing the harmonious interaction of the AI system with other tools and systems. Thanks to this, the company achieves full synergy between different technologies and business processes.

The benefits of artificial intelligence: efficiency, accuracy and potential

The benefits of artificial intelligence are increasingly evident, which is confirmed by the enormous popularity of this technology. Thanks to its versatile capabilities, companies achieve not only higher efficiency, but also increased accuracy in the tasks performed. This powerful tool includes, but is not limited to:

Increased efficiency 

  • A customer service automation system in an online company that can answer customer questions and solve problems 24/7, eliminating the need to wait for a human representative.
  • Route optimization algorithms for transport companies that select the most efficient delivery routes, reducing travel time and fuel consumption.

Improve accuracy

  • An AI-based medical diagnosis system that analyzes a patient's medical data, test results, and medical history to identify rare diseases or rare combinations of symptoms that could be underreported by a human physician.
  • Fraud detection algorithms in financial transactions that analyze huge amounts of financial data to identify unusual patterns and suspicious transactions with greater accuracy than traditional methods.


  • A video recommendation system on the streaming platform that analyzes the viewer's preferences, their viewing history and ratings to propose personalized suggestions for movies and shows.
  • A fitness app that tracks a user's workout habits, dietary preferences, and health goals, providing personalized workout and diet plans.


  • A research project using machine learning algorithms to analyze genomic data to identify new genes associated with given diseases, which could lead to the discovery of new therapies and drugs.
  • A financial market analysis system that uses advanced data analysis techniques to discover new trends and patterns in investor behavior, which can lead to new investment strategies and financial innovations.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Faced with the rapid development of this field, the question of the future of artificial intelligence is becoming more and more relevant. Is it possible to stop the development of artificial intelligence? What innovations and challenges will the coming time bring? Will artificial intelligence replace humans? The answers to these questions are drawn in the context of continuous research, technological innovation and changing social needs.

One thing is certain, in the future we can expect artificial intelligence to be increasingly integrated into our lives, both in the professional and private spheres. It is also possible that AI will have an increasing influence on the development of a multitude of fields, because artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize each of them.

Talking about the future of AI, we cannot forget the purpose with which artificial intelligence was created, which is to create computer systems capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence. AI is constantly striving to create systems that can solve problems with speed and precision beyond human capabilities. As a result, the main goal is to improve the quality of life by automating processes, supporting decision-making, using recommender algorithms and creating new opportunities and innovations in various fields.


Thus, we have come to the end of an article that allows us to understand what the phenomenon of AI arises from and what is the reason for the popularity of the discussed issue. However, we know that the information presented by us can still raise many questions due to the complexity of the subject of artificial intelligence.

From here, we encourage you to get in touch with our experts so that we can answer any questions that bother you. We will explain the issues related to artificial intelligence and tell you how the system we have implemented will help you achieve success and free yourself from old patterns, following hand in hand with technology. We invite you to take advantage of free consultation, where we will answer all your questions.

Stay ahead of the competition or they will overtake you — everything is now a matter of time and a click.

Kacper Wlodarczyk