Jak zwiększyć efektywność komunikacji z klientami za pomocą automatyzacji mailingu
W tym artykule omówimy, jak wykorzystać automatyzację AI do maksymalizacji korzyści biznesowych.
AI automation is a process that combines automation and artificial intelligence, such as machine learning and deep learning, to achieve better results.
AI automation is powerful because it allows us to enjoy both the benefits of automation such as speed, efficiency, time savings and scalability, as well as the benefits of AI such as insight, flexibility and computing power.
Companies using AI automation can increase their capabilities while delegating repetitive tasks to the machine.
This is different from pure automation because AI can start, stop, or change what it does based on the environment in which it operates. For businesses, this means faster, more personalized execution and processes, better data utilization and accuracy, and improved overall customer service.
For example, in marketing, the best AI systems allow marketers to set boundaries, there is no risk that unexpected events will cause unwanted effects.
Companies stop worrying about repetitive tasks and focus on higher-value-added, human-centered tasks, such as: “How can we improve our value proposition to scale the business?”
Because of these clear benefits, Forrester predicts that most Fortune 500 companies will invest in AI automation next year. Here is a link to”Predictions 2023: Artificial Intelligence“, in which they say that in 2023, the adoption of artificial intelligence “will continue to grow and be more creative, trustworthy and optimized.”