Automation in the Law Firm

Thanks to our innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence, we eliminate the need for manual execution of processes, which translates into improved precision and efficiency in areas ranging from customer service to risk analysis. Invest in the future and gain a competitive advantage!

Management of legal documentation

Law firms often have to manage large volumes of documents, such as contracts, power of attorney, pleadings or other documents related to clients. Automation of the process of scanning, classifying and indexing documents can significantly improve their storage and accessibility for employees. A good example would be an application that will allow you to generate letters/document templates that will be assigned to the corresponding folder assigned to the client.

AI for lawyers

We create AI algorithms with which lawyers can quickly search huge collections of legal documents, analyze data, forecast the outcome of lawsuits and automatically generate legal documents. Our AI-based tools help save time, reduce risk and increase efficiency, allowing lawyers to focus on the most important aspects of their work.

Generate legal document templates

With the automation of document template generation, offices can avoid mistakes and save time. Automatic retrieval of information from records allows you to instantly fill out custom forms, applications, and contracts. This significantly reduces the time of writing, and the finished documents can be easily exported in Word or PDF format.

Scheduling meetings and appointments

Working in a law firm is associated with the need to conduct clients' affairs on time, which requires precise management of meetings and dates of important events. Automating your calendar and sending reminders about upcoming appointments can minimize the risk of missed appointments and provide better customer service.

Case Status Tracking

Working on multiple issues at the same time can make it difficult to monitor the progress and current status of each one. The automation of tracking the progress of cases, thanks to, for example, the management system, allows the integration of the system with the Information Portal of the General Courts, ensuring that lawyers quickly obtain information in specific proceedings.

Customer service

Automated tools, such as chatbots on the website and automated email response systems, can significantly speed up the response to customer questions. In addition, automation is able to send an update on the status of cases, which will significantly optimize and emphasize the professionalism of the law firm.

Automatic calculator

An automated calculator can allow you to quickly and accurately calculate various parameters related to legal and financial services. It works by entering relevant inputs, such as contract information, transaction value or tax rates, and then automatically generates calculations based on that data. This is an excellent solution for law firms that want to optimize their processes and provide clients with a quick and accurate service quote. Thanks to the automatic calculator, you can effectively save time and avoid errors when calculating fees, taxes or transaction costs. Examples of calculators can be: calculation of legal fees, tax calculations, transaction costs, budget planning.

Generate reports

Within the framework of the automation of reports in a law firm, all documents sent in a given week are analyzed, covering both incoming and outgoing correspondence. The reports provide a detailed summary of the activities undertaken by the firm, such as the number of negotiations carried out, the number and characteristics of completed cases, as well as newly started ones. Thanks to this tool, the management of the firm's activities becomes more transparent and efficient, allowing you to track key indicators and take appropriate actions based on reliable data.


The documentation associated with the process of hiring a new employee is often complex and time-consuming, including the preparation of documents, the formalities of signing contracts, and providing personal access to work tools. Thanks to the use of automation, this whole process is significantly simplified, eliminating the need to conduct a lot of correspondence and printing documents. Automation generates the necessary documentation and sends it to the right people, facilitating the process of signing and paperwork circulation. Moreover, it automatically archives copies of documents in a safe place, in accordance with the current internal regulations of the company, and also allows you to plan and carry out transactions in the field of remuneration or bonuses.


At the end of cooperation with the employee, automation will take full control of all aspects related to the organization and paperwork. A fully automated system distributes current tasks to the appropriate departments and effectively blocks employee access to any company programs. Moreover, it ensures an efficient process for the return of any equipment, while complying with the procedures of the enterprise.

Hour reporting and time analysis

Efficient management of working time is the foundation for the effective functioning of any organization. Automation revolutionizes this process, eliminating potential inaccuracies and errors. Thanks to the electronic tracking of employees' working time and the analysis of the collected data, the system identifies patterns and abuses, allowing precise monitoring and making accurate decisions based on reliable reports. Automation helps increase productivity by improving work efficiency and minimizing errors and abuses.

Electronic consignment book (envelope printing)

Automation of the process of printing envelopes within the Electronic Sending Book involves the use of a system for automatically downloading data about senders and recipients from the e-mail system and generating address labels. Then, based on this data, envelopes are automatically printed with generated labels, which allows you to quickly and efficiently handle correspondence. Automation of this process contributes to the improvement of work in the office by eliminating the manual preparation of envelopes and minimizing the risk of errors.

Smart Legal Document Wizard

Smart Legal Document Builder is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create a variety of legal documents quickly and accurately. Thanks to the legal database, the wizard automatically generates documents based on the entered data and user preferences. This tool reduces the time it takes to prepare documents, while ensuring their compliance with applicable regulations and high quality. An example of the use of such a wizard can be the automation of the process of creating real estate lease agreements. The user enters the necessary data, and the wizard generates on the basis of the law firm's document database a complete document taking into account all the required clauses, which significantly speeds up and facilitates the process.

Discover the potential of automation to revolutionize your Law Firm!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions? We will answer them!

What is Automation?

AI automation is the process of using technology, software and tools to perform tasks and processes without the need for human intervention. The goal is to increase efficiency, reduce errors, and save time and resources.

What are the benefits of automation for businesses?

Automation can bring many benefits, including increasing productivity, eliminating human error, improving quality, saving time and costs, and being able to focus on more strategic tasks.

What are the most common challenges of implementing automation?

Implementing automation can come with challenges such as identifying the right processes to automate, selecting the right tools and suppliers, and ensuring staff training. It is also important to monitor and adapt processes as technology develops and business needs change.

What is the cost of automation services?

The cost of our automation services depends on various factors, such as the type and level of automation, the number and complexity of tasks, the size and scope of the project, and the requirements for customization and integration. However, we always strive to offer our automation services at a competitive and affordable price, without compromising on quality and value.

IMPORTANT: We always provide a detailed and transparent quote before starting any project, striving together with the client to achieve the best solution taking into account both the company's budget and individual needs.

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