Automations in customer service

We create automation solutions for various aspects of customer service functions, such as chatbots, voice assistants, ticketing systems, and feedback systems. We use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to create intelligent and efficient automation systems that can help you achieve your customer service goals and tasks.

Where can customer service automation help improve your business?

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Accelerated contact with the customer
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Chatbots and automatic responses
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Reporting of work progress
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Conversation with customers
See more

Our customer service automation services can offer you the following benefits:

  • Smart chatbots: We'll help you create and deploy more chatbots for your website, app, or social media platforms, using AI and machine learning to automate chatbot design, development, testing, and optimization processes. We can also help you create and use chatbot templates, scripts, and flows that match your brand's voice and tone, as well as your customers' needs and expectations. We can also help automate the chatbot training, update, and monitoring processes, as well as handle any issues or errors.
  • Faster call handling systems: We can help speed up ticket handling systems for email, phone, or other channels by leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate the processes of creating, assigning, resolving, and closing requests. We can also help you create and use request categories, priorities, statuses, and rules that align with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). We can also help automate the processes of tracking requests, reporting and providing feedback, as well as handle any escalations or complaints.
  • More transparent systems for collecting feedback: We can help you improve feedback systems on your website, app, or other channels by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate feedback collection, analysis, and presentation processes. We can also help you create and use feedback forms, surveys, ratings, reviews and testimonials that measure and improve customer satisfaction, loyalty and endorsement. We can also help automate the processes of responding to feedback, actions and improvements, as well as build trust and relationships with customers.

If you are interested in our customer service automation services or would like to learn more about them, contact us today. We will be happy to answer all your questions and offer a free consultation and an individual quote.

Check out your customer service automation solutions today!

If you are interested in our sales department automation services or want to learn more about them, contact us today. We will be happy to answer all your questions and offer a free consultation and an individual quote.

Take the first step towards automation and AI - contact us and find out what else we can do for you


Where can customer service automation help improve your business?

Accelerated contact with the customer

Automation is aimed at improving the process of interaction with the customer through the use of advanced tools and technologies. Once implemented, customer service will be able to track the progress of the sales funnel on an ongoing basis, which will allow them to react faster to changes and optimize activities. In addition, automation will allow you to receive instant notifications about new potential customers and their needs, among others in the field of design remarks, objections to contractual provisions or other objections. Such a solution will undoubtedly improve the process of establishing and maintaining contact in a short time.

Reporting of work progress

Progress reporting is a particularly important element of communication and transparency in relations with customers. Thanks to the use of automation, the system will regularly provide reports to customers, informing them about the current progress of the project, achievements, and planned activities.

Chatbots and automatic responses

Automation with chatbots and automated responses is an innovative approach to customer service, where interactions are carried out using algorithms and scripts, without the involvement of human personnel. These tools can independently analyze customer inquiries, answer any doubts, convey information about products or services, and even conduct complex conversations in a natural way.

Conversation with customers

The automation of conversations with customers involves the use of technologies such as artificial intelligence to provide individualized and concrete answers to customer email inquiries. Thanks to predefined templates, the system can instantly answer frequently asked questions and offer expert help if needed. This not only improves customer service by saving time, but also increases customer satisfaction through fast and effective communication, which ultimately translates into greater conversion.

Automation? Is it for me?

Know the key benefits

Automation combined with AI is the future of your business: optimized processes, increased productivity and much, much more:

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Increase productivity

Automation allows you to perform tasks faster, more accurately and cheaply, which translates into better results and saves resources.

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Better customer service

Automation facilitates communication, collaboration and service to customers and partners, improving their experience and loyalty.

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Higher employee satisfaction

Automated processes speed up task execution, allowing employees to focus on more demanding tasks.

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Increased operational efficiency

Continuous access to up-to-date data enables faster response and breaking down silos between departments.

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Eliminate paper-based processes

The introduction of unified, digital documentation processes eliminates office clutter, providing the company with transparency and efficiency in decision-making.

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Improving quality and reliability

Automation reduces the risk of human error, ensuring high quality and consistency of services and products.

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Development of innovation and creativity

Automation frees employees from routine and monotonous tasks, giving them more time and opportunities to create new solutions and ideas.

Get in touch

Ready to take off?

Stop just thinking about automation and artificial intelligence and take the first step - contact us! This will help you answer the most important questions and discover how automation and artificial intelligence can support the work of your company.

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Click Here, fill out the form, schedule an interview or email us. Describe your idea and our specialists will contact you within 24 hours.

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