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Automation and artificial intelligence - differences and similarities

Automation and artificial intelligence - differences and similarities

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are two terms that are often used interchangeably or confused with each other. However, they are not identical or synonymous concepts, but have their own definitions, characteristics and applications. In this article we will try to explain how automation and artificial intelligence differ and combine.


Automation is the use of technology to perform repetitive and complex tasks that previously required human intervention. Automation involves programming systems or machines to operate according to specific rules and instructions, without the need to learn or adapt to changing conditions.

Artificial intelligence is a field of science and technology that deals with the creation of systems and machines capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence. Artificial intelligence consists of giving systems or machines the ability to learn, understand, reason, make decisions or create new knowledge.


Automation and artificial intelligence differ in many ways:

  • Level of Advancement - Automation is a relatively simple and limited way of using technology to perform tasks that do not require creativity or flexibility. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is a more advanced and evolving way of using technology to perform tasks that require adaptation, optimization or innovation.
  • Task type - automation is suitable for performing tasks that are well defined, repeatable and predictable. Artificial intelligence is suitable for tasks that are vague, variable and unpredictable.
  • Scope of action - automation operates within the framework of established parameters and conditions that do not change. Artificial intelligence operates within dynamic parameters and conditions that change.
  • Degree of autonomy - automation requires human supervision and control, which determines the goals, principles and criteria for the operation of a system or machine. Artificial intelligence enables the independence and self-control of a system or machine that defines objectives, principles and performance criteria based on data and experience.


Automation and artificial intelligence come together in some aspects such as:

  • target - automation and artificial intelligence have a common goal, which is to improve the efficiency and quality of the tasks performed by technology, as well as make it easier for people to work. ‍
  • Technology - automation and artificial intelligence use similar or the same technologies, such as computers, software, networks or sensors. ‍
  • Interdisciplinarity - automation and artificial intelligence combine many fields of science and technology, such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, engineering, physics and biology. ‍
  • Application - automation and artificial intelligence are used in many areas of life and business, such as industry, medicine, education, transportation, commerce and entertainment.


Automation and artificial intelligence are two different but related concepts that refer to the ways in which technology can be used to perform tasks. Automation involves programming systems or machines to operate according to specific rules and instructions, without the need to learn or adapt to changing conditions. Artificial intelligence consists of giving systems or machines the ability to learn, understand, make decisions or create new knowledge. Automation and artificial intelligence differ in level of sophistication, type of task, scope of action and degree of autonomy. Automation and artificial intelligence are interrelated in purpose, technology, interdisciplinarity and application.

Paweł Maciążek