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What problems can automation and artificial intelligence cause?

What problems can automation and artificial intelligence cause?

The development of automation and artificial intelligence is currently one of the most important technological trends shaping our modern world. Automation, often referred to as robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) herald a revolution in many aspects of life, offering great opportunities to streamline processes, improve the quality of products and services, and make everyday life and work easier for people. However, these modern technologies are not without drawbacks and risks that can pose serious problems for individuals, society and the environment. In this article, we will take a closer look at the main challenges of automation and artificial intelligence.

Automation and artificial intelligence in today's world

Automation and artificial intelligence are practically ubiquitous in our lives, from everyday activities to advanced industrial solutions. Automation means replacing people with machines and systems that perform repetitive and routine tasks faster, more accurately, and more reliably. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, includes a set of technologies and algorithms that enable machines to learn, understand natural language, analyze data and make decisions. They work by simulating human thinking and decision making.

Automation and artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly popular in business and industry, where they are used to automate business processes, optimize supply chains, diagnose medical conditions, analyze the financial market and even create autonomous vehicles. However, not everyone accepts these technologies uncritically, and their growing impact on our lives is causing a lot of controversy.

Loss of work

One of the most pressing issues related to automation and artificial intelligence is the loss of jobs. As these technologies become more advanced, they can replace people in many professions and sectors. For example, truck drivers can be replaced by autonomous vehicles, cashiers in stores can give way to self-service terminals, and even lawyers and accountants can lose their jobs to computer programs capable of analyzing huge amounts of data and generating relevant reports.

Job loss is a problem that can lead to significant social consequences. People who lose their jobs may experience a lower quality of life, financial instability, and a negative impact on their mental health. Moreover, job loss can exacerbate social and economic inequalities, as not all people are equally prepared to retrain and adapt to changing labour market conditions. In extreme cases, job loss due to automation can lead to a decrease in demand for certain products and services, which can have a negative impact on the economy.

Lack of control

Another problem with automation and artificial intelligence is the lack of control over their operation and consequences. Automation and artificial intelligence can operate in ways that are unpredictable, incomprehensible, or inconsistent with human expectations and principles. Automated systems often operate on the basis of complex algorithms that can be unclear even to experts. As a result, it is difficult to predict why a given system made a certain decision or why it behaved in a certain way.

Lack of control over automation and artificial intelligence can have negative consequences in various fields. In medicine, misdiagnoses made by AI systems can lead to medical errors and harm patients. In the financial industry, incomprehensible algorithms can result in risky investment decisions. Moreover, a lack of control can undermine trust in technology, which can be particularly damaging for autonomous vehicle systems or medical technology.

Lack of responsibility

Another problem with automation and artificial intelligence is the lack of responsibility for their actions and consequences. While humans are responsible for their actions, machines and AI systems are not subject to the same principle. These systems can make decisions that affect people's lives, but they bear no legal or moral responsibility for their actions.

There are plenty of examples of lack of accountability. In healthcare, AI systems used for medical diagnosis can make mistakes, leading to serious health consequences for patients. In the financial sector, automated trading systems can make risky investment decisions that affect customers' savings and investments. Even with autonomous vehicles that rely on artificial intelligence, there may be situations in which the system will incorrectly assess the situation on the road, causing accidents or damage to property.

Lack of responsibility for automation and artificial intelligence can lead to various problems. First, victims of mistakes made by these systems may find it difficult to obtain compensation or redress because there is no clear entity or organization to blame. Second, lack of accountability can affect public trust in these technologies, potentially limiting their acceptance and adoption.

Solutions to problems related to automation and artificial intelligence

Despite the numerous challenges of automation and artificial intelligence, there are ways to meet them. Above all, it is necessary to invest in the development of the skills necessary to adapt to changes in the labor market. Education and training should be accessible and adapted to the needs of the future labour market.

Secondly, there is a need to establish appropriate regulations and standards for automation and artificial intelligence. Such regulations can provide control over the operation of these technologies and determine liability for potential errors and damages.

Third, ongoing research into the ethical use of automation and artificial intelligence is essential. Developing ethical guidelines and codes of conduct for creators and users of these technologies can help prevent negative consequences.


Automation and artificial intelligence are undeniably powerful tools that are changing the way we live and work. However, due to the challenges of dismissal, lack of control and responsibility, it is necessary to approach these technologies with caution and responsibility. Implementing appropriate legislation, investing in education and developing ethical standards are key steps towards using these technologies in ways that benefit both individuals and society as a whole. As automation and AI technologies evolve, we are faced with choices about how we want to shape their impact on our lives. Here are some steps that can help you meet the challenges of automation and artificial intelligence:

Education and retraining: Investing in the education and retraining of workers who may be at risk of losing their jobs due to automation is key. Preparing them for new professions and skills is essential to prevent the negative consequences of moving jobs.

Regulations and standards: The government and international organizations should actively work on regulations and standards for automation and artificial intelligence. Good regulation can help control the operation of these technologies and protect people's rights and interests.

Ethical issues: Creators and users of AI technologies should consistently consider the ethical aspects of their actions. Developing ethical codes of conduct and making responsible decisions is necessary to avoid the harms of automation and artificial intelligence.

Monitoring and evaluation: Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on society and the economy are essential. This allows us to adapt our approach and respond to emerging issues.

Cross-sectoral collaboration: Government, industry, academia and society need to work together to meet the challenges of automation and artificial intelligence. Joint efforts can accelerate the development of appropriate solutions and minimize the negative impact of these technologies.

Paweł Maciążek